maple syrup

acer saccharum

When it comes to the sweet stuff, we believe that maple reigns supreme. Rich in Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc Manganese & Antioxidants, maple syrup is good for your heart, good for your immune system, it’s minimally processed & it grows in your backyard.

When it comes to the GLYCEMIC INDEX, which measures how quickly a sugar or carb is metabolized by the liver, maple boasts a nice low score. The more rapid this process, the more dramatic the sugar high and sugar CRASH will be- and the more blood sugar spikes we experience, the higher our insulin levels & the greater the risk of developing diabetes we face.

Replacing conventional, heavily processed sweeteners with maple syrup is an excellent place to start when navigating autoimmune disorders, IBS, leaky gut and candida. If considering zero-calorie alternatives, STOP IN YOUR TRACKS. These artificial poisons are linked to cognitive issues, fatigue, weight gain, anxiety and depression. Plus they taste like trash! We believe in letting the trees & the bees feeding us vitamin, mineral & antioxidant-rich sweetness instead.

Being a Green Mountain-based company, we hold deep reverence for the indigenous tradition of sugaring. Harvesting sap from maple trees can only be done at a particular period of the late-winter: when the nights are cold but the days are warm. Every gallon of maple syrup starts as 40 gallons of sap.

Ours is wood-fired in a steamy sugar shack by the Tilton brothers in Waterville, VT. Their family has been working the same sugarbush for four generations. In the late 1800’s, A century ago, their family invested in a wood-fired ‘Champion Evaporator’ made by the Vermont-based company G.H. Grimm to boil their sap into syrup.

In a twist of what could only be some Vermont, maple-drenched, deep-woods drama, one sub-zero night a few years ago (in an whiskey-fueled effort to lash out at an ex) a local girl mistook the Tilton’s sugarhouse for their neighbors, burning the structure to the ground.

Carved into a piece of wood that survived the blaze & now hangs on the wall of the rebuilt sugar shack, honoring the old rig that served for so many seasons are the words GRIM REAPER. When it came time to name our medicinal mushroom syrup, we found that the answer, an ode to resilience & metamorphosis, was written on the walls.*

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