
malus sylvestris

{raw apple cider vinegar & apple brandy}





apple varieties, grown in the green mountains.

Apple cider vinegar is a downright miraculous substance.

By boosting acidity in the gut, it increases NUTRIENT ABSORPTION, aiding in blood sugar regulation & optimizing glucose levels while easing indigestion.

ACV is great for your LIVER, and anything that’s good for the liver in turn helps to reduce accumulations of toxins & stagnant fats in the body, BALANCE HORMONES & decrease water retention & BLOATING.

The OGs of traditional chinese medicine classify vinegar as energetically WARM, and in a society that perpetually douses our digestive fire with energetically cold things like caffeine, sugar & ice cold smoothies, we need more of this. The warming quality is also an excellent ally when combating DAMP complaints, such as excess mucous production, sluggishness, stubborn weight & acne. It’s also superb at reducing the frequency & intensity of sugar cravings.

We love using vinegar to extract & preserve the medicinal value in plants so that anyone can stir this plethora of benefits into their glass: our sober friends, kids & anyone who wants to avoid alcohol (as well as those who imbibe).

We get ours from Neil Hochstedler, who we trust immensely, at Side Hill Cider Mill. He makes it from organic apples that grow in his orchard in Vershire, VT, where he also AGES IT IN OAK BARRELS- lifting this vinegar above any we have ever tasted.

Vinegar made with this level of integrity is surprisingly hard to come by but worth every ounce of effort- we would not be able to do what we do without this noble source: it’s the heart of all our oxymels & bitters.

For a while, we avoided making tinctures because we couldn’t find a source that met our colossal (but not unreasonable!) standards: why was no one distilling spirits from locally grown ingredients? Sure, there are lots of local distilleries, but they all sourced the base of their product from grains grown out of state.

Lucky for us, Neil’s business partner Sebastian Lousada of France, owner of Flag Hill Farm, makes apple brandy from the very same apples as Neil. We make our tinctures out of this, and the taste, just like the integrity, is DIVINE.*

F I N D I T I N :

nectar of the gods nectar of the gods nectar of the gods nectar of the gods
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nectar of the gods
from $36.00

{ sea buckthorn oxymel }

A bold eruption of orange velvet delivers this dazzling elixir. Bursting with Vitamin C, sea buckthorn is a radiant survivalist who thrives relentlessly in harsh Northern climes, offering us a divine dose of zeal that is vibrant, audacious & fit for the gods. Pair with spirits for a sublime cocktail, drizzle on dessert or relish this nectar as is. Shake before sipping & keep cool to prolong longevity.

{ perfect circle farm sea buckthorn berries in side hill cider mill raw, barrel-aged wild & heirloom apple cider vinegar with brigham apiaries raw honey }

notorious notorious notorious
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from $24.00

{ digestive bitters }

Notorious for its venomous bite, your taste buds won't love the bitter contents of this bottle, but you need them. The challenge presented to the liver by this waspish flavor exercises our detoxification & digestive systems, whipping them into a strong state of resiliency & supporting fiercer metabolism, hormone regulation, digestion & skin health. Taste 20-30 drops before dining, or sip in a cocktail.

{ wilson farm chamomile with wild dandelion leaf & oshala farm burdock, yellow dock & dandelion root in side hill cider mill raw, barrel-aged apple cider vinegar }

prince of thieves prince of thieves prince of thieves
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prince of thieves
from $36.00

{ nourishing nervine oxymel }

Unrivaled champion of the nerves & adrenals, silky milky oat seed stars in this cast of merry men, accompanied by dusky tulsi, the potent adaptogen, & gladdening nervine lemon balm to deliver {as Robin Hood did} soothing support to the stressed & depleted. Relish daily as is, pair with spirits for a sublime cocktail or add to water: sparkling or still. Shake well before sipping. Steal from the rich & give to the poor, or at the very least, TAX THE RICH.

{ zack woods herb farm milky oat tops & lemon balm with children of the night rainbow tulsi in side hill cider mill raw barrel-aged apple cider vinegar & brigham apiaries raw honey }

fire cider fire cider fire cider fire cider
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fire cider
from $36.00

{ immunity oxymel }

An ancient recipe designed to support digestion, circulation & resilient immunity, this warming, clearing & stimulating tonic pulses with vitality from the kitchen's most fiery herbs & spices. Swig as is, in water, drizzle over cooked greens, add to decadent dressings, marinades & sauces, or mix into a bold bloody mary. Use daily to bolster immunity in the colder months & take multiple times daily at the onset of a cold. Shake first. Tradition not trademark.

{ last resort farm ginger, children of the night rainbow farm garlic, generation herbs thyme & rosemary, wild horseradish, west farm onions & honeyfield farm cayenne peppers in side hill cider mill raw, barrel-aged apple cider vinegar & brigham apiaries raw honey }

venus in fur venus in fur venus in fur
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venus in fur
from $36.00

{ violet & fir oxymel }

Cloaked in the noble essence of the balsam fir, wild violets waltz upon the velvet forest floor in this alluring elixir. To fortify a rugged & resilient existence, the North has relied upon the vast stores of Vitamin C veiled in evergreens since the days of old. Rich equally in Vitamins C & A, violet's subtle charm swirls through this luminous libation. Relish in a captivating cocktail, as is, or in a decadent dressing. Shake before sipping & keep cool to prolong longevity.

{ wild violet leaf & flower with wild balsam fir needles in side hill cider mill raw barrel-aged apple cider vinegar & brigham apiaries raw honey }

queen of hearts queen of hearts queen of hearts
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queen of hearts
from $36.00

{ cardiovascular tonic }

Thorny queen of the cardiovascular tonics, hawthorn reigns supreme alongside ravishing rose in all her seasons. Rose hips bursting with vitamin C electrify this nourishing, flavonoid-rich cardiovascular tonic to sustain the heart in all its realms & wonderlands. Relish daily as is, pair with spirits for a sublime cocktail or add to water, sparkling or still. Shake before sipping & keep cool to prolong longevity. Who's been painting my roses red?

{ wild roses, wild rose hips & wild hawthorn berries & leaves in side hill raw barrel-aged apple cider vinegar & brigham apiaries raw honey }

mad, bad & dangerous to know mad, bad & dangerous to know
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mad, bad & dangerous to know

{ a disarmingly hot sauce }

Nuanced radical, romantic poet, dashing, disabled, bad boy, bi-sexual Lord Byron was described by ex-lover Lady Lamb as MAD, BAD & DANGEROUS TO KNOW. {He painted her as ‘a little volcano: the cleverest, most agreeable, absurd, amiable, perplexing, dangerous, fascinating little being that lives.} Charming casanova with devilish wit, this wolf steals hearts just to break them {but not before improving circulation, stoking digestive fire & banishing evil spirits, as chilis have done since ancient Aztec history.}

{honeyfield farm cayenne & fresno peppers, pitchfork farm habanada peppers, west farm onions, night rainbow farm garlic, generation farm thyme & rosemary with side hill cider mill raw, barrel-aged apple cider vinegar, wayeeses farm maple sugar, smuggler’s notch well water & celtic sea salt}

cardinal sin cardinal sin
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cardinal sin

{ a punishingly hot sauce }

Lust. Wrath. Greed. Gluttony. Pride. Envy. Sloth. Have you been naughty? This bottle is here to punish you, masochist. Relax: to the habanero’s perilous glare & the hot paper lantern's seductive fury, maple sugar offers the taste buds a chivalric shield: balance in purgatory. While you're there, let the chilis do what they’ve done since ancient Aztec history: boost circulation, battle bacteria, stoke digestive fire, jazz up any feast & banish evil spirits. Bad to the bone.

{honeyfield farm habanero & hot paper lantern peppers with side hill cider mill raw, barrel-aged apple cider vinegar, wayeeses farm maple sugar, smuggler’s notch well water & celtic sea salt}

foxy cleopatra foxy cleopatra
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foxy cleopatra

{ a hot & sultry sauce }

Shagadelic baby! This is a whole lotta sauce. Bright & juicy cherry bombs & jalapeños flirt with a sultry storm of strawberry, ginger & rose in this bewitching bottle of sexy spice. Femme fatale Foxxy Cleopatra here to do with style & grace what chilis have been doing since ancient Aztec history: battle bacteria, boost circulation, stoke that digestive fire, jazz up any feast & banish evil spirits. Hot sauce in the bag swag. Bow down. Keep cool to prolong longevity.

{honeyfield farm cherry bomb & jalapeño peppers, adam's berry farm strawberries, last resort farm ginger & egyptian roses with side hill cider mill raw barrel-aged apple cider vinegar, wayeeses farm maple sugar, smuggler’s notch well water & celtic sea salt}


maple syrup

