Fragaria ananassa
june strawberries from last resort farm
Here’s a reminder to take full advantage of that brief & beautiful season, and to support small farms that are doing it right.
First place on the dirty dozen list, non-organically grown strawberries are flush full of pesticide residue, exposure to which is linked to endocrine disruption, neurotoxicity & a myriad of other detrimental health effects.
The country’s major strawberry farms demand that a predominantly migrant workforce hunch over for 10 hours a day, irreversibly damaging the structure of their bodies, while enduring exposure to chemicals that cause many workers constant nausea, muscle weakness & eye/ skin irritation- often for as little as $2.25 an hour.
Furthermore, there’s the TASTE. They’re like tomatoes: the difference in flavor between a fake, flavorless, forced, available-year-round strawberry, & one that was lavishly laying around in the sun just yesterday is NIGHT & DAY.
So on the off chance that you don’t care about social justice or humanity, you can at least fuck driscoll for that. In conclusion: IF YOU LOVE STRAWBERRIES, which if you have a pulse, YOU DO: get them locally, get them from farmers you know, get them in that brief, beautiful window & preserve their divine flavor for enjoyment later in the year because that fake shit available in november AIN’T WORTH IT!
OR we can just do it for you.
CLEARLY, not all strawberries are created equally. But the GOOD guys are gushing with antioxidants, vitamin C, and perhaps most potent of all, EDIBLE EUPHORIA. We consider enchanting encapsulations of these sublime harvest part of a pleasure prescription. YUM.
We get our from Adam’s Berry Farm in Charlotte, VT.*
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