urtica diotica
An ancient superfood that we all need more of, we use nettle for, well EVERYTHING. A star at reducing inflammatory prostaglandin in allergy responses & a nutrient-dense powerhouse abundant in chlorophyll, IRON, flavonoids, vitamin C, MAGNESIUM & CALCIUM, fiber and even protein, nettle is arguably the most nutritious plant we know.
By significantly building nutritional stores, nettle replenishes organs and tissues that have atrophied due to malnutrition. In rebuilding deficient blood & tissues, consuming nettle amends anemia, thus correcting low blood pressure & its accompanying symptoms such as a pale, weak, dizzy disposition, fatigue & mental fog. This same affinity for restoration makes it a great ally when recovering from injury or surgery, and for countering the fragility that can come with aging.
A classic spring tonic & diuretic, nettle supports the kidneys & the urinary tract in detoxification. When flushing the system, mineral stores can be depleted, but nettleβs copious potassium cache replenishes the stores those get cleared out, making it more sustainable than other diuretics.
Nettleβs high chlorophyll content alkalizes the body, balancing inflammation & making it a natural antihistamine, great support for those who suffer from allergies.
The ultimate trophorestorative (a nourishing, replenishing, balancing herb), nettle can restore optimal function to any part of the body. Hair, skin & nails? Nettle. Muscles & bones? Nettle. Prenatal nourishment & uterine tonification before & after childbirth? Nettle. All the time, in everything! Get it!
We get ours from Zack Woods Herb Farm in Hyde Park, VT.*
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