balsam fir

abies balsamea

As discussed in the sea buckthorn section, Vitamin C is one of the vitamins our bodies won’t STORE, so we need to consume it daily to maintain the benefits. Optimal absorption & action of Vit C requires FLAVONOIDS: when you get your C directly from whole food/ herb sources, YOU GET IT ALL- because they naturally occur together.

It’s also one of those vitamins that we will actually die without- think SCURVY. Before ships were sailing the seas & doling citrus out all over the place, people living in northern climates often relied on evergreens, especially in the winter, for their Vit C. Growing abundantly all over, we love the sustainability & accessibility of sourcing C from evergreen needles, most of which are edible. When it comes to flavor, balsam reigns supreme.

The Iroquois traditionally used balsam fir needles to treat coughs, cold & flu, and asthma. A respiratory tonic, they can also be used to support healing respiratory infections like pnuemonia or bronchitis. Balsam also has an affinity for oral health- think toothaches, gum issues etc.

We’re done with citrus from a thousand miles away! Pick some of these babes in your backyard instead. We harvest ours year round in the wild in northern Vermont.*

F I N D I T I N :

venus in fur venus in fur venus in fur
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venus in fur
from $36.00

{ violet & fir oxymel }

Cloaked in the noble essence of the balsam fir, wild violets waltz upon the velvet forest floor in this alluring elixir. To fortify a rugged & resilient existence, the North has relied upon the vast stores of Vitamin C veiled in evergreens since the days of old. Rich equally in Vitamins C & A, violet's subtle charm swirls through this luminous libation. Relish in a captivating cocktail, as is, or in a decadent dressing. Shake before sipping & keep cool to prolong longevity.

{ wild violet leaf & flower with wild balsam fir needles in side hill cider mill raw barrel-aged apple cider vinegar & brigham apiaries raw honey }



